On My Desk // Download // Getting Organized

On My Desk // Download // Getting Organized
Free Download // Project Index // Project Outline
Spring Cleaning is on . . . well the computer segment at least . . .

I've been organizing file folders within file folders--like little forgotten Matryoshka dolls. It's a bit unnerving to find design projects I started last year, after getting a bolt of inspiration, and then abandoned. In my defense, I was 1) working 80 hr/wks, and 2) well, out of sight, out of mind. Ironically, one of the projects I found was a set of planning pages I'm offering as a free download. ♥

The forms are a compact 5.5"x8". I'm leaving the Project Index out by my desk where I can see it. The Project Outline will help me keep track of my progress on each individual project. There's a column to add priority and another for a target date.


  1. This is gorgeous! Unfortunately the link is broken :(

  2. Would love to print those! (But it doesn't work :( ) ❤️

  3. great template but the link is still brokern.
